A global history of MKUltra & RSA

Ritual Satanic Abuse has been around for millennia and there are historical references to it in many religions. If you want a long term historical perspective then there is a great 2 part video on the history of Satan (saturn) worship by Charles Reagan Swindoll as follows;

Part 1 Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters (part 1 of 2)

Part 2 Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters (part 2 of 2)

Other resources are as follows;

Book - Cannibalism, Blood drinking and high adept satanism by Kerth Barker.

Book - Blitzed by Norman Ohler. Hitlers relationship with recreational drugs, personally, with his armed forces and in his brutal experiments.

Satanist Aleister Crowley Secret Agent 666 for the British Intelligence

Tavistock Institute 1947 British institute to control the masses

A history of the CIA - created in 1947 AFTER the second world war.

Typically intelligence agencies were only allowed to operate for the duration of wars, such was the enormous power they were given. This sensible rule for the first time was abandoned after WWII. Allegedly because the powers that be wanted an all powerful pervasive agency to do their bidding.

Under its charter the CIA was only to operate on foreign soil but it did heinous things to Americans on US soil. It did heinous things to nationals in Australia, Canada, Africa, Asia and Europe. It was and still is a law unto itself.

Also this is why countries like Australia were fertile ground for the CIA. The CIA had already set up their front organisations such as the Human Ecology Fund and others to secretly channel millions of dollars and operate behind so they could do the most unimaginable evil all under the claim of national security.

The Official CIA website on MKUltra and released docs.

The Official C.I.A manual of trickery and deception by Kieth Melton and Robert Wallace

The Ghost - The secret life of CIA SPYMASTER James Jesus Angleton

CIA Operation Bluebird - which later became Operation Artichoke

CIA MKUltra sub project 35

CIA MKUltra Sub project 68 - madness

CIA Mind control video

The history of MKUltra and Ritual Satanic Abuse in Australia.

Article - MKUltra in Australian Academia Part 1 by Steve McMurray. An in depth look at MKUltra here.

Article - MKUltra in Australia Part 2 by Steve McMurray

Podcast - MKUltra in Australia - Mind control down under Gnostic Media interview with Steve McMurray

Book - Eyes Wide Open by Fiona Barnett. Fiona a survivor of Ritual Satanic Abuse and MKUltra details her experiences.

News - ABC article on MKUltra 2021. How the CIA mind control program came to Sydney with Martin Orne and Peter Sheehan.

Gumshoe News - News - Steve McMurray Interview

Book - The Crimes of the Patriots by Jonathon Kwitney 1987. Details the nefarious affairs of the Nugan Hand Bank set up in Sydney Australia with CIA directors. Frank Nugan, one of the founders was suicided and the wealth that was invested in the company disappeared, financially destroying many Australians. Very few charges were laid.

Book - The CIA's Australian Connection by Denis Freney 1977 details the CIA's involvement in John Kerr (CIA's man who was ex intelligence who got rid of Whitlam) and the CIA agents (Warrens) living in luxury mansions in Mosman.

Diane De Vere at Gumshoe News on Tavistock & MKUltra

Cairns News and MKUltra

The CIA, Sydney University and Q-CTRL 2021 digital warfare

An Australian history of MKUltra & RSA

Kogarah & Hypnotism

Kogarah, NSW is a suburb of Sydney that seems to have flown under the radar. It is home to some famous Australians including first grade footballer Reg Gasnier (a relative), Clive James (TV commentator) and others. Kogarah also had a very active Masonic community with Scottish Provincial Grand Lodge, Lodge Kogarah of Kogarah, and United Grand Lodge of NSW, Lodge Kogarah No. 305 (2017) and masonic balls.

Yet as one looks into Kogarah's history there are more and more peculiar things about it. In 1928 George H Estabrooks, a Rhodes scholar and Canadian/American psychologist visited Kogarah and lectured on hypnotism at the Victory De Luxe Theatre (later renamed the Mecca Theatre). The Mecca Theatre later become infamous with the owner charged with offences against children. The history of hypnotism is interwoven with occult practices, it is also called the psychology of persuasion, and the Military's main interest after the war. Estabrooks was later defined as an FBI and CIA consulant. Estabrooks book Spiritism as about creating dissociative parts and Hypnotism about using those parts for spies.

Straight after the second world war the US started Operation paperclip where the US and its allies took all the murderous occult scientists of the Nazi regime and brought them to Western Countries including Australia. The NPR reports; "The CIA mind control project, MK-ULTRA, was essentially a continuation of work that began in Japanese and Nazi concentration camps. Not only was it roughly based on those experiments, but the CIA actually hired the vivisectionists and the torturers who had worked in Japan and in Nazi concentration camps to come and explain what they had found out so that we could build on their research". And it didn't stop there.

In Australia some 170,000 displaced persons were settled here from 1947 to 1952. There were outcries that some of these people were NAZI war criminals and in 1961 the Government tried to officially close the book on those claims. In the 1980s and 1990s dozens of NAZI war criminals were identified as having come to Australia but only 2 were charged.

Around the same time, ever since its inception in 1947 the CIA has been covertly working with Hollywood. In the early 1950s, Dianetics (which would later become the Church of Scientology - also known for mind control) was all the craze and was fully promoted by Hollywood. Concurrently Disneyland was created in 1955 where the CIA again were an integral part of it. Then in 1953 the CIA began MKUltra and continued their experiments with hypnosis on unwilling subjects, moving also into the use of drugs like LSD (the CIA tried to buy the worlds supply) and methamphetamines to further their mind control ambitions.

In 1956 the Russian Olympic team took 11 hypnotists to the Melbourne Olympics as support staff and at those games the Russians won more medals than any other competing country. From 1956 to 1966 the Kogarah Rugby League team the St George Dragons, won the longest string of premierships in history, being 11 years - was that also partly because of hypnotism?

In the 1950s the University of Sydney had a world renown Psychology Department (the oldest in Australia) and was one of only 5 hypnosis labs in the world and the only one outside of north America, under the guidance of professors John Phillip Sutcliffe and Gordon Hammer. This would have been of intense interest to the CIA's MKUltra program as in accordance with their 1947 charter the CIA were not allowed to spy on Americans and so to operate on foreign soil gave them a free pass and therefore Sydney University would have been a prime target of the CIA with foreigners (Australians) having no rights in the US. This is also one of the reasons why Pine Gap, operational by the CIA from 1970 is in Australia as well and why the CIA removed ex PM Gough Whitlam who wanted to know more about it, using 'their man' Governor general John Kerr to be the henchman. Its about circumnavigating charters and laws, something the CIA has a history of doing in foreign nations. The CIA was stacking the positions of power here in Australia.

Expert hypnotists know that approximately 5% of the population are what are known as 'highly-suggestible', or 'virtuosos'. These people can easily be criminally abused by an unscrupulous expert hypnotist. A small minority of these are multiple personality cases. These people are especially valuable to and targeted by the CIA. The aim of the CIA's mind control program was to see if a subject could perform tasks against their own wishes, eg turn them into a Manchurian candidate and do the CIAs dirty work when triggered and then take the fall for it.

In 1949 the CIA launched Project Bluebird a mind control program that deliberately caused multiple personalities on victims and also used mind control drugs secretly on US citizens. Project Bluebird was later changed to Project Artichoke where the CIA wanted to determine whether a person could be involuntarily made to perform an act of attempted assassination. All up the CIA had 149 known sub projects.

In the late 50s with CIA influence it became obvious that working against established boards in St George and Prince Henry hospitals would be difficult. So in 1959 the NSW Government brought in amendments to the Public Hospitals Act affecting the retirement age of directors at St George and Prince Henry Hospital declaring anyone over the age of 70 was no longer entitled to be a director or over the age of 64 could no longer be on the chief executive. Overnight 6 directors at St George Hospital in Kogarah were made redundant. This removed the old guard and allowed for the CIA to install their own people in positions of power and influence if they wished.

The government also wanted St George Hospital in Kogarah to be the major hospital responsible for an airport emergency at Sydney's Kingsford Smith Airport. It's of interest that one of the CIA's main assets is airlines and airplanes owning Air America from 1950 till 1976 as well as many other airlines.

The main mental institution in Sydney at the time was Callan Park. Harry Bailey was the Assistant Director of Psychiatric Services there. Bailey spent 15 months in the mid 50s working with psychologists such as Donald Ewen Cameron a CIA MKUltra connected Psychologist in Canada. In 1957 Bailey became director of the Cerebral Surgery and Research Unit at Callan Park where he experimented with ECT and psychosurgical methods. So Sydney was awash with CIA connections and CIA trained assets. Later Bailey worked at Chelmsford Private in Sydney where over 2 dozen people died from deep sleep therapy.

Article - CIA controversies.

Article - Bob Broughton Disney and the CIA.

Article - Chris Guider St George Hooker Scientologist 1985.

Book - Hypnotism 1904 by Milne Bramwell

Book - Open to Suggestion - Uses and abuses of hypnosis. Robert Temple.

American Psychology Association formed in 1892

The Australian Society of Hypnosis Ltd was formed in 1971 as the Australian Society of Clinical and Medical Hypnosis.

The Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH) was formed in 1974 and incorporated in 1976

In 1960 the CIA did these MKUltra experiments in association with Sydney University while it was attached to St George Hospital in Kogarah with the visit of CIA MKUltra asset Dr Martin Orne. Orne had a number of Sydney University students and staff working with him including Dr Peter Sheehan. Orne was the editor of the journal of the International Society for Hypnosis for the next 30 years. 1960 was also World Mental health Year and unsurprisingly another CIA asset John C. Watkins, PhD was awarded for his contribution.

1961 Peter Sheehan (born in 1940 in Sydney) completes his BA Hons in Psychology at the University of Sydney. He went on to complete his PhD in Psychology at the University of Sydney in 1965. His doctoral thesis was on the effects of hypnosis on memory and perception. Sheehan became a research associate at Pennsylvania University with Orne from 1965 to 1967 and then University of New York from 1967 to 1968. Sheehan later became a lecturer at the University of Queensland in 1973 - 1997, going on to become a professor and then Head of Psychology. It is alleged that a lot of Orne's and Sheehan's work was funded by the Human Ecology Fund, a front for the CIA that supported covert research on mind control often through uninformed consent. Sheehan became known as one of the leading experts nationally and internationally on hypnosis as well as an Australian TV censor.

Despite Sheehan and Orne claiming these experiments were inconclusive this was just a fobb off. I remember as a little child being experimented on with the after effects of the the experiments staying with me for years. I would often lay in bed at night as a child watching coloured the grids that had been imprinted on me during the experiments. They were trying to work out how to make TV programming even more hypnotic. I also saw my mothers personality shift during this period. She became like my father, a mind controlled narcissist.

In the early 1960s I remember going to the Mecca Theater as a little kid with my cousins and Auntie and watching Snow White, Three Billy Goats Gruff. The shows I remember were also hypnotic and we were drawn into their animated stories. Years later while at Uni I remember reading how Disney's characters were intentionally round so as to maximise their appeal and suggestibility. Another layer of mind control and influence.

During this period I remember being experimented on extensively, both psychologically as well as physically in the hospital. On one occasion I was admitted to St George hospital and was put in a bath with another boy who was the same age as me and called Doug as well. it was a strange time. My parents rewarded me with a checkerboard chocolate on my release. In recent years I contacted the hospital to get my hospital records but was advised they had been destroyed as is standard practice. When I asked if they could tell me anything about my birth from my mothers records they obliged and gave me the details.

During this period I went through extensive programming, sexual and physical abuse, as did my older brother Rick. They were constantly trying to program me to be like my father - a murderous sexual deviant. I refused. I hated them and I hated those in my family who would abuse me. I was starved of food and water and then food or water would be put on the genitals of older relatives. If I took the food or water because I was starving I was accused of wanting to be sexual with them. It was a repulsive time. Both my parents at the same time were having affairs with their in laws, my father with my mothers, mother and my mother with my fathers, father. The only rule seemed to be self gratification.

I also have memories of being electrocuted till I threw up and being desperately unhappy. One day lying in the gutter outside our terrace during a huge storm while the water cascaded over me and sobbing. The pain never seem to end.

In the mid 60s the Hon.A.H.Jago M.L.A was the NSW Minister for Health.

1969 Fiona Barnett was born in St George Public Hospital in Kogarah. Fiona wrote the book Eyes Wide Open where she details extensive abuse including by Dr Peter Sheehan. Fiona's book talks about CIA co-ordinated child trafficking operations, Project MKUtra in Australia, Dr Peter Sheehan and so on. Fiona is one of the first survivors to speak out in Australia against these hidden societies and their anti human agendas.

Steve McMurray is another whistleblower who through extensive research has supported Fiona's statements with extensive facts.

In the 1970s the fingerprints of the CIA in Sydney were again laid bare with the Nugan Hand Bank where many Australians were defrauded out of their money, at times their life savings by a bank whose directors included many existing and ex CIA assets. One of the founders ended up dead, the banks 'billions' as they boasted of trading disappeared and criminal charges against those in power, especially the intelligence assets just didn't eventuate. Around the same time as Denis Freney writes in the CIA's Australian Connection CIA spy Peter Warren lived the high life in Sydney as did ex CIA Mr R Goodnow from Psychological Associates of Washington and his wife who was part of the group at Sydney University School of Psychology. Other members of this group were Psychologist Wendy Louise Walker - who Fiona Barnett alleges was her handler and Antony Kidman, Nicole Kidman's psychologist father.

Once you connect the dots its a small world.

As Steve McMurray writes;

"G.H. Estabrooks, the father of the Manchurian Candidate was once quoted as saying, “The key to creating an effective spy or assassin rests in splitting a man’s personality, or creating multipersonality, with the aid of hypnotism…. This is not science fiction. …I have done it.” ...

Frederick J. Evans, a student at the University of Sydney, assisted Orne in the 1960 experiment. Both Evans and Orne would go on to positions at the University of Pennsylvania. Prof. Peter W. Sheehan and Campbell W. Perry, psychology students at Sydney during Orne’s visit, would later go onto perform manchurian-candidate hypnosis experiments with this network of researchers at Pennsylvania. Perry went on to become a board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Dr. Antony Kidman was also studying psychology at Sydney during Orne’s experiment and lectureship. He would go on to study at the University of Pennsylvania, but instead with Dr. Aaron Tim Beck , the father of Clinical Psychology and an advisory board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. It was there Kidman became a longtime colleague of Dr. Martin Seligman, a man who’s life’s research has been made the core of the CIA’s torture program".

There is a lot more to this history and this is just a few more pieces to the picture.

Mental Institutions in NSW

As we are starting to become aware of the CIA influence on hospitals around Sydney and NSW then mental institutions also need to be scrutinised. As has been recorded globally the CIA used mental institutions globally as testing grounds for their most horrific experiments. As foreign soil was a preferred place of operation and Australia provided a compliant bureaucratic and political landscape, as well as English speaking and a world leading hypnosis centre courtesy of the University of Sydney and its associated universities then it was fertile grounds to continue Hitlers horrific experiments here with Hitler's henchmen who had already been welcomed secretly into our society with open arms by the intelligence communities here and abroad. As is typical with the CIA foreign nationals (including Australians) were simply fodder for America's "national security".

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Callan, Park

Gladesville (also called Tarban Creek Lunatic) Asylum (which allegedly has over 100 corpses beneath it).

Chelmsford Private Hospital and Dr Harry Bailey

Holsworthy Army Base, NSW Australia. Different survivors have come forward talking about being experimented on here and at Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor in the Sutherland Shire.

Goulburn NSW, Australia

Kenmore asylum, reknown as the most haunted place in Australia started life as a mental asylum in 1894 and at its peak could take around 1500 patients. Numerous patients died. It was taken over by the army in March 1941 where it then operated as a military hospital.


NSW asylums. History pre CIA 1947.

In looking at the history of modern Australia this country was basically used as a dumping ground for the undesirables of England. Australia was turned into a penal colony. Having been invaded by the Crown many of the original modern inhabitants were brought here against their will, some under aged, many for minor offences. And yet today we see it is the descendants of these incarcerated individuals who are being demanded pay reparations for 'invading' Australia and not the Crown (one of the richest families in the world) who raped and pillaged this land like it did many others (India, Nigeria and so on). Despite many of our descendants making good and becoming strong, resilient members of this society there still is a pervading attitude that our worth as a nation is secondary to some of the powers like England and the US. For example in the second world war our troops were removed from protecting Australia and sent to protect England instead. This attitude still pervades today through intelligence agencies like the CIA who put any and all foreign nations on the altar of the preservation of the USA. While publicly backing us privately they use us for their own means and ends.

Today 'undesirables' are simply medicated by the Government backed 'big pharma.

A useful reference is the government history of asylums is linked here. Some notable items in this document are as follows;

The Lunatic Reception House, Darlinghurst 1868

The Asylum for Imbeciles and an Institution for Idiots, Newcastle. 1872

Observation Ward for the Criminally Insane, Darlinghurst Goal 1878

Callan Park Asylum 1873

The Private Asylum Tempe

Sydneys shameful asylums. Silent houses of pain where sadists reigned.

The CIA The US Central Intelligence Agency) was formed in 1947. ASIO (Australian Secret Intelligence Organisation) was formed 2 years later.

The seal of the CIA is a 16-point compass star which the CIA says represents the convergence of intelligence data from around the world at a central point. In other words the CIA saw itself as the inspector of the world, validated by their actions to destroy any country they like on the premise of US national Security. In occult symbolism (practiced by the intelligence agencies) 4 is world domination and control (4 corners of the earth, 4 x seasons, 4 x phases of the moon, 4 x elements, 4 dimensions, 4 x senses, tetractis and so on). Therefore sacrifices by the CIA and their puppets involving 4 means the CIA are trying to strengthen their control over the world through manipulating the entities that oversee it. They feel they can manipulate these entities through human sacrifice (religion of Saturn(a), BAAL etc.

CIA front organisations operating in Australia;

Human Ecology Fund

MKUltra programs Operation Paperclip.

United States Educational Foundation.

Fulbright Scholarship.

Australian scientists working with MKUltra at Sydney University, Callan Park, St George Hospital in Kogarah , Furthering Hitlers research.

Papua New Guinea research, doctor also at St George Hospital.

Nugan Hand Bank with its CIA directors

Australian Association for Cultural Freedom by GG John Kerr

Commerce International

Australian arm of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, QUADRANT magazine, an anti-communist advocacy group funded by the CIA.

Quadrant Magazine. 1956 - present. An initiative of the Australian Committee for Cultural Freedom, the Australian arm of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, an anti-communist advocacy group funded by the CIA.[5]

The Asia Foundation

CIA agents in Sydney, Australia;

Richard Stallings CIA Agent James Walker

CIA East Asia Ted Shackley



State Politician Billy Crabtree Kogarah Local In office 1953-1983

Australian government funded anthropological work -

The Farm, The ICA's spy school in Virginia

Adoption a cover for slavery -

Disorganised Crime in Australia -

History of intelligence in Australia -



Sydney University - from the 1950s Sydney University has been an active participant with the CIA. This includes through its hypnosis lab and MKUltra experiments on how to further Hitlers work on how to control humans.

This was further extended through its anthropological work on Australian aborigines, tribes in Papua New Guinea and ancient cultures in Asia and Africa. , defence studies, ...


The Ross Report - Child migration to Australia in the 1950s. were so bad the UK recommended it be stopped but the Oversees Migration Board and the Australian Government pressed ahead.

The Child Migrant Program - in the 1950's over 'orphaned' 130,000 children were shipped to predominantly Australia and Canada as slaves, many who were sexually abused. The book the Forgotten Children by David Hill.

Martin Orne CIA psychologist who came to Sydney University and its Hypnosis Lab in 1960. Orne founded the Hypnosis Research Project at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center in 1956. His research into hypnosis, which continued when he moved his laboratory to the University of Pennsylvania in 1964 and was joined by Sydney University Psychologist Peter Sheehan.

Orne also emphasized the importance of the ability to reliably and validly measure hypnotizibility (Elkins, 2014). This was of prime importance also to the cults as it meant bloodline children were highly valued to become hypnotised agents.

In the article the CIAs relationship with Sydney University it states;

For example, Orne published a carefully constructed series of experiments to address the competing interpretations of hypnosis as the hypnotic subject’s desire to play the role of a hypnotized individual, a marked increase in suggestibility (Hull, 1933), or a less well-defined “altered state of consciousness” (Orne, 1959, p. 277). While the paper does indeed advance the understanding of the nature of hypnosis, Orne (1959) concludes that “until an invariant index of hypnosis can be established, such a diagnosis must be confirmed by the subject’s report of alterations in his experience, since the real focus of hypnosis appears to lie in the subjective experience of trance” (p. 298). Such attention to the rigor of the research investigating hypnosis may have contributed to the series of statements acknowledging the acceptance of the utility of hypnosis by the British Medical Association (1956), the American Medical Association (1958), and the American Psychiatric Association (1961) that appeared soon afterward (Stewart, 2005).

The CIA in Australia
CIA puppets in Australia