Resources 1 - Websites

Cathy OBrien. The Trance Formation of America. One of the first to speak out about ritual abuse and the mind control of the masses.

Rachel Vaughn Testimony to the ITNJ. Rachel Vaughn Youtube channel

Max Lowen - Unbroken. PHD in psychology/survivor of RSA

Anneke Lucas. Quest for love. Memoir of a child sex slave. From Belgium.

Jeanette Archer Jeanette was trafficked through the Royal Family.

50 Voices of Ritual Abuse by Marcel Polte

The Imagination Podcast by Emma.

Gabbi Choong. Truth Justice and Freedom for Children.

Fiona Barnett

Organised abuse support and workbooks by U W Ozian

Lynn Brunet Ritual abuse in Australia

Survivorship website

Resources 2 - Survivor testimonies

Rachel Vaughn - the story and evidence of Alan Maxwell McIntyre.

MKSRA exposure alliance Australia - Let the truth be told.

50voices - Survivors reporting occult experiences of violence and abuse.

Unbroken Global - Survivors, truth warriors, healers & teachers.

Freemason - 100s of victims and witnesses break the silence.

Did you know - The precipice of an unparalleled period of changes to the world.

The rotten apples of Australia - evidence based info through credible sources.

Kangaroo Court of Australia - why rent a lawyer when you can buy a judge.

Post it not war - get the word out.

The sounds of freedom movie - child trafficking in the USA.

Connecting the dots - child trafficking worldwide.

Survivorship - For survivors of ritual abuse, mind control & torture.

The Fly - Child abuse rings exist in Australia.

Prepare for change - Pedophile rings around the world.

CIA pedophiles - One great work

Stop world control - stop world control.

Epstein and Israel - Unlimited hangout

ASIO records at the archives

MKUltra and Disney Mind Control Paranoid American Podcast

Adrenochrome, Freemasonry and MKUltra banned from youtube etc

MKUltra CIAs secret brainwashing experiments

Resources 3 - Books

Movies looking at issues around MKUltra;

The Manchurian Candidate - trailer - how the CIA broke ordinary US army soldiers to create assassins.

MKUltra - 2022 - trailer - Based on the CIA experiments from the early 1960s.

Mission Mind Control - 1979 - Movie. Uncovering government agencies, especially the CIA

American Ultra - Trailer, a CIA asset who is handled and triggered.

American Ultra 2 -

Stranger things - TV series, based on MKUltra

The Butterfly Effect - Movie

Dollhouse -

The Century of Self - Psychoanalysis and mind control.

Out of shadows -

Americas war on drugs. is an immersive trip through the last five decades, uncovering how the CIA, obsessed with keeping America safe in the fight against communism, allied itself with the mafia and foreign drug traffickers.

The CIA distributing drugs to American Communities -

The Sleep Room - Movie - In the early 1950s, the CIA funds a Montreal psychiatric hospital to do some research on mind control. Thirty-some years later, the patients want justice...

Mindcraft - Visualization of Monarch MK-Ultra Programming through a hero quest adventure story.

Mind Control the MKUltra files - With roots deep in the history of military sciences, and largely beginning after WW2, the history of mind control studies is a rich and fascinating one. The quest to conquer the human mind was attempted by the Central Intelligence Agency shortly after the end of the Second World War, with the creation of the MKULTRA project. Comprised of 149 sub-projects, the goal of this program was to study the effects of drugs, and different types of radical procedures on unwitting civilians in order to better understand how to create and interrogate spies during the Cold War. The results and actions taken by numerous agencies, doctors and scientists over a 30-year period would come to light to Congress in the 1977 Church Committee hearings as some of the most shocking and bizarre studies ever perpetrated by a democratic government on its own people. Featuring an exclusive interview and presentation by renowned trauma expert, Dr. Colin Ross, The MKULTRA Files is an examination of some of those experiments and the effects they have had on our culture.

Resources 4 - Movies

Books I have found helpful

The Deep State Encyclopedia by Really Graceful

The Crimes of the Patriots by Jonathon Kwitny - the CIA and the Nugan Hand Bank in Sydney Australia. Well worth the read if you want to understand CIA in Australia.

The CIAs Australian Connection by Denis Freney. Well worth the read if you want to understand the CIA in Australia.

The Ghost - the Secret life of CIA spy,master James Jesus Angleton by Jefferson Morley

Blitzed - Drugs in Nazi Germany used by Hitler and on his troops by Norman Ohler

Chaos - the truth behind the 1969 Manson Murders by Tom ONeill. Again CIA involvement and typical MKUltra playbook.

Shane Dowling books on corruption in Australian politics and legal system.

Resources 5 - Help Sheets

Help Sheets

These will be available when completed to be downloaded as a whole, in chapters and as individual topic double sided A4 pdf sheets at for free. I have tried to make it as simple as possible for people to access, use and distribute the information in the hope that it will help as many as possible. Feel free to copy, link and send pdfs of the book around. This book is intended as a guide only from what I have learnt on this journey we call life and what I have found has helped me in healing and triumphing over my traumatic past. What has helped me may or may not help or apply to you or those you know and it is up to you/those you know to go on your/their own healing and learning journey and in the process understand what is best for you/them.