Typical cult playbook

The law and implied consent.

Implied consent is consent which is not expressly granted by a person, but rather implicitly granted by a person's actions and the facts and circumstances of a particular situation (or in some cases, by a person's silence or inaction).

Did you know in some countries;

Driving is implied consent for being breathalyzed

Marriage is implied consent for sexual relations including rape.

Unconsciousness can be implied consent for medical (not just essential) care.

"Brain death' can be implied consent for death and hospitals to sell your body parts at significant profits.

Death is implied consent for organ removal - you have to opt out where the government makes opt in the law.

We are seeing this practice progressively extend to business where Big tech is also now using these predatory implied consent practices to maximise profits and control. With many apps and media sites opt in/renewal is now standard/mandatory and opt out is optional. You will be automatically charged for subscription renewal etc. However often its in the fine print and you don't know you've consented till you get a massive deduction out of your account for a renewal that often is triple the original membership fee. Some strategies they have used is as follows;

Renewal is implied consent and then often they hike up the cost of renewal.

Additional features are implied consent that you have to opt out of.

Recording of phone calls now to many government dpts is implied consent

Extras such us airline ticket extras can be implied consent.

If you become aware of the progression of government, business and society it is towards the removal of complicit consent. This isn't random or by accident and benefits those in power and not the 99%.

Watching music videos with satanic rituals is implied consent to the ritual.

Watching snuff movies can be implied consent for the death. We assume that all deaths in movies by Hollyweird and others are simply that but there are cases where you are actually unbeknown to yourself watching an actual death.

The cults (and intelligence agencies) are masters of deception and delight in it. A typical cult/intelligence agency ploy is to set up an organisation "for the betterment of society" that actually destroys society.

There are many strategies;

Implied consent. The cults believe if you ... for example if you as a woman have an abortion they believe that you have consented to a ritual sacrifice

If you play a demonic music clip you are consenting to the ritual being performed.

If you watch a demonic movie, film or show. Just the act of it in playing it is you consenting to that behaviour in the movie.

Creating a deficit/need in order to fill the vacuum with a perversion.

As a child my parents refused to touch me, hold me, speak to me (except to order me around) treat me as a human being or behave in any way like a loving parent to me. I was excluded and used as a scapegoat. I had to obey immediately, not talk back or question and any non compliance was met with brutal punishment and agonising pain. This created a deficit where as a little child I naturally craved their attention whilst at the same time despising and hating them. This was the internal conflict they desire and also the deficit. The lack of touch was so that at night hopefully I would crave their sexual abuse. With television, Hollyweird etc they can now do this on a grand scale.

The traumatisation of society.

Trauma is a vaccum through which the cults use to seek power. If they can traumatise someone, male them overwhelmed then people have less capacity to resist. If you can traumatise the masses then it makes it easier to control them.

Hegellian dialect. Problem, action, solution.

Forewarning & predictive programming - getting society used to what is coming before it comes.

Evolution of the Australian Mafia - Centre for Criminology, Dpt of Sociology

Implied Consent globally

Bloodlines and the cults

Bloodlines are incredibly important to cult members because it gives them the feeling of being 'above' everyone else and the lie that they have the moral justification to treat 'non bloodliners or inferior humans' any way they want. This need to control others comes out of a deficit of life where they feel out of control and need to control others to feel safe. They feel out of control because of their horrific bloodlines. They therefore are seeking illusory security in damaging actions against fellow human beings that they look down on.

The bloodline cult members believe they are part of the bloodline of the Nephilim/Annunaki - in other words divine and therefore they have the moral right to rein over the non bloodline or the slaves. They believe the world belongs to them and they are to be served. If you as a non bloodline want to join the cults you can, but you will also be of a lower caste and the joining fee often is the sacrifice of your first born. You cannot leave and like the masons punishment for disclosure is severe.

If you are bloodline then in order to preserve the bloodline every generation must be horrifically tortured in order to maintain its purity, corruption and mind control. This includes being highly dissociative ...

Often many of the traits of cult members include side effects of the inter-generational and ancestral trauma including heterochromia

Bloodlines NAZIs and the CIA

Hitler believed in a perfect race called the Aryans. This race were the ones who evolved from the Annunaki and were from the kazarian jews/persians ...

The CIA in its ongoing experimentation is desperate to find the possibilities of super humans. We are being preconditioned for this through Hollyweird and Superman, the Avengers and so on.

Numerology and cults

Typical annual cult dates;


Dumbing down

Its a known strategy of those in power, be it the governments, intelligence agencies, religions to keep the little people, the masses in the dark so as they are compliant and easiest to handle.

Those in power like to stay in power. A strategy to do this is hold the truth whilst the populace are kept in the dark. There are many famous examples of this;

Religions. EG the churches doing sermons in latin as it was only the priests who could interpret the bible.

The Vatican and their secret archives. How many secrets lie in their locked and secure archives.

Governments and their hidden archives. They give the appearance of transparency but often government documents are typically redacted so you cant see anything they don't want you to see. For me they say they have destroyed my records when it is unlikely they have.

Intelligence Agencies. How many times have you heard its in the national interest.