Dealing with Authorities

My experience with authorities can be summed up in a few words - appalling , compromised and corrupt. It weighed on me heavily that my father being a perpetrator was was abusing other kids and harming other people and I felt he needed to be incarcerated. Naively I hoped that authorities would help. Instead their actions and behaviour were and continue to be sickening and damning.

If you are going to the authorities take at least 2 witnesses with you, document everything (have written records of all communications, videos etc if possible), get case numbers, ask what support you will be provided and don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Follow everything up in writing with an email and ask that everything be recorded.

I have dealt with the local NSW police on numerous occasions, the Homicide Squad twice and the Australian Federal Police. I have also made submissions to a variety of inquiries. Typically they try and derail me and not help me.

Typically Australian authorities have sneered at me, put me down, tried to discredit me, trigger me, undermine me, invalidate me and make out that I am crazy. At no time have they ever given me any support or support services despite at times it being quite traumatic to come forward. The authorities have not taken any action taken on my claims despite having evidence of over half a dozen murders, plus rapes, pedophilia, assaults and other abuses. I have come to find other victims of RSA have been treated the same. I was recently given the legal advice that

At the same time my father was given a taxi licence as well as being able to work as a security guard on the trains despite having an extensive criminal record.

The following is a history of my dealings with the authorities;

Waverly Police (Bondi Junction). Turned up at University and claimed they were Federal Police as local police they said couldn't come onto commonwealth property. Told me that my older brother and flatmate Rick (aged 22) had died that morning from a motorcycle accident and that they needed to take me (at age 20) to the morgue to identify his body (they could have easily have taken someone else). I was shattered. I had a wonderful friend come with my to the morgue for support. At the morgue the first thing I noticed was that his injuries weren't consistent with the claims they made. He had a single injury above his left eye despite losing control of his bike, him coming off his bike, a car going over the top of him and then him hitting the gutter and bouncing off. They then dropped me back at Uni.

Sutherland Police. In 1990 at age 30 when I started getting flashbacks I went to the local police and they were very helpful. They said to me it sounded like Ritual Satanic Abuse. I was shocked and didn't know what that meant so had to look into it. It was weird here I had memories of something I seemingly didn't understand. A friend during this period put me in contact with the Federal Police who wrote to the homicide squad to try and get action. They warned me of the corruption of the homicide squad and that he and his wife wouldn't send their kids to a public school knowing what goes on in society.

NSW Homicide Squad. Originally a car load of homicide squad detectives turned up at my front door to give me a card to call someone in their office, which was strange and mild intimidation to say the least. I range up the contact and I went to the homicide squad offices in Cleveland Street Sydney with evidence of my fathers involvement in at least 6 deaths. I was left waiting for half an hour in the lobby till the thug who turned up at my door appeared and advised the guy I was meant to see had gone to the morgue where I had identified my brothers body eight years before. This was now red flag 3. He led me to the lift where as we were getting into the lift another officer greeted him and he grabbed him between the legs on the genitals and they both laughed checking to see that I was watching. Red flag 4. We hopped out of the lift at the required floor and as I was led through an open office area to an glass fronted office I noticed the desks were empty which I thought was weird. I sat in this office with this officer after I gave him my evidence and he advised that i would need to be hypnotized bu them to validate my testimony. This was red flag 5 and I no longer felt safe. I told him I would think about it and left. When I saw my psych the following week he advised that if I had allowed them to hypnotize me then my testimony would no longer have been valid as evidence. Years later as the MKUltra memories started surfacing I realised that I was very at risk of further mind control if they had hypnotised me and they would have known this.

Royal Commissions. My submissions were usually buried. Requests to speak were ignored.

Waverly and Surry Hills Police. Requests to have my brothers death reopened ignored. Waverly police advise that all records pertaining to Rick's death were destroyed as is "standard". NSW ambulance advised the same.

Federal Police. Goulburn St, Sydney. Years later I was trying to finally get answers on my brothers death. What my mother had told me never added up. If I questioned her she would say 'dont be stupid'. So staying in Sydney one week I decided to go to the NSW Police Headquarters as well as the Federal Police to ask questions as they were both in walking distance. NSW Police fobbed me off. With the Federal Police they sent an investigator with his handler down to the footpath to see me. The first thing he asked me was "are you delusional?" I said "no". He asked me "do you have mental health issues?" I said "no". He asked me "Would I like them to refer me to their psychologist?" I said "no". I said to him that I have many friends in mental health and I'm sure if I had issues they would tell me. I also felt that if I got referred to their psychologist the intent would be to have me incarcerated as delusional as I had heard of other survivors being treated this way and allegedly put in a Queensland Mental Institution then medicated up to their eyeballs. The investigator kept repeating this line of questioning over and over again while his handler, a tall slim woman watched on. Each time I calmly said no. I had a witness with me who saw all of it. I lodged a formal complaint against the investigator and the Sergent tried to discount it. I complained to his Superintendent who also dismissed it. I complained all the way up to the professional standards board who likewise dismissed it.

Police officer calls gay man delusional after he reports rape.

Commonwealth Ombudsman. As complaints to the Federal Police were ignored I went to the Commonwealth Ombudsman where they eventually said its your word against theirs. I said I have a witness with me. They reiterated it was our word against theirs and then discontinued contact. Why would a government be so intent on making sure serious crimes including murder, rape, pedophilia weren't investigated?

Coroner. I was advised to try the coroner. They were very helpful and within a few weeks I had the 'official police documents' on my brothers death. It told a very different picture to the lies my mother had told me. The claim was still a motorcycle accident but there was a witness, and the driver was a man who gave a Sydney address at the time and who identified himself as a film producer by the name of Leonard George Stevens. Was this the American who had started the American Film Institute? The car judging by the length of the skid marks was speeding, the driver was neither tested for drugs or alcohol and he had moved his car by the time the police arrived, yet he was not charged. The driver didn't make his statement till a month after Ricks death and a month after the police report. The statement by the police officer attending the accident was left undated. Also the scratches on the bike weren't consistent with the police report and the helmet that was scratched was a helmet that Rick no longer wore. This all happened during the week of satanic sacrifice of the first born in April. Rick was the first born.

Crime stoppers. I was advised to call Crime Stoppers to have the case re-opened. They basically fobbed me off. Requests to have investigations into my brothers death were ignored.

Goulburn Police. We (my housemate and I) went to the police after we realised food had been poisoned in our kitchen and it was what was causing both of us to get quite ill. We had evidences of access to our house when we weren't there and based on previous experience the likely culprit was my mother and brother who had followed me to the country town I lived in. Repeated requests for a case number from the police were ignored and the officer overseeing the case tried every way to minimise the claims and make out that I may not be a suitable witness in court. Plus it was my word against my mothers and had a considered changing locks etc. The Homicide Squad were also notified but they refused to provide any point of contact. .

How do they get away with it? Typically we as survivors have a case file created on us where we are described as vexatious, delusional and so on. This way even decent authorities are primed to see us in a less than flattering light. If I go to the police now, even if its a new police station and staff I have never met you can see by their demeanor that I'm already tainted.

And you know what - I'm never going to stop speaking out.

There are many Australian cases where Australian Authorities refuse to act and in many cases actively work to cover up the truth as well us undermine whistleblowers. Typically in this country pedophiles commit on average around 50 offenses before being caught. It would seem the police only act against pedophiles when they absolutely are forced to and then they make out how good they are because they have.

Australian Authorities where they refuse to act on crimes;

Survivor Rachel Vaughn. Has campaigned tirelessly about the Beaumont Children and the South Australian Police (SAPOL) and their refusal to act. Despite getting a significant petition to have the bodies exhumed she is ignored.

Survivor Fiona Barnett. Eyes wide shut. Allegedly went to the NSW Police and was basically ignored/shut down.

Australian Politician Franca Arena. Australian Politician. Alleged that Supreme Court Judge David Yeldham and former MP Frank Arkell were pedophiles and should be investigated.

Australian Senator Bill Heffernan publicly declared pedophile list allegations. The politicians declared that the list shouldn't be made public as it would undermine the public's trust in the Government. A suppression order was place on the list for many years.

Trevor Haken. Kings Cross police informant and relative. Rolled over and then had to disappear and go into witness protection because of risk to life.

Police refusal to act

Famous Australian Cases of Corruption

Dealing with Authorities - Local Councils

As an Architect I have run my own business designing many buildings. As part of my business I have to get these buildings approved and the approval authorities are the local Council. Despite my buildings winning awards, them typically setting price records as well as my work being used as an example for others to follow once I started speaking out the Local Councils it seems were instructed to treat me in a completely different manner.

..... Shire Council. Council planning staff M... ... told my biggest client that if they continued to use me then my applications would not be approved. The client didn't want to give me a stat dec for fear of repercussions from Council. As a result I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in work. A Council staff member D... ... advised a client to sue me behind my back, such was their nastiness. I would have to work smarter, harder and do better than all other applicants. Again friends of the staff got even the most appalling designs approved. Also when I checked on staff qualifications most of them were not qualified for their positions and when I brought it up instantly their titles were changed.

..... Council. The ... allegedly told numerous clients not to use me and if they did they wouldn't approve my applications. Again Clients wouldn't provide me with stat decs for fear of repercussions from Council as they held significant property dealings in the area.

...... I have always like to do community work and give back. However ...

The typical playbook with some Council staff (95% of staff were lovely, helpful and professional) but these small cabals in Councils were quite the opposite. Complaints to senior management and Councillors were brushed off, as were complaints to the Ombudsman and ICAC. Meanwhile friends of the 'cabal' would go around town boasting they could get even illegal applications approved.

If you weren't part of their group and if you complained (like I did) then they would refuse to accept your applications unless you had provided every report they could think of even if they were statutorily required. Then they would scrutinise your application to find any possible faults as a reason to refuse your application. If it was accepted your application would be put at the bottom of the pile and not assessed unless they were forced to ... Staff would refuse to be accountable ...

Dealing with the media

I have also tried numerous times to get traditional media involvement but again have been stonewalled. Numerous reporters have not responded.

Instead I have turned to podcasters who have been very supportive and along with other survivors our voices are getting out there. There are numerous people taking it upon themselves (survivors and non survivors) to spread the word, to get this into our cultural conversations.

Podcasts that are speaking out

There are many wonderful people who are trying to get the truth out there. As we are coming to realise the mainstream media is compromised, bought and not to be trusted. Instead credible voices are setting up their own channels as follows;

Max Lowen - Unbroken

Rachel Vaughn

Emma - the imagination podcast

Gabbi Choong